mette storheil - we all need help sometimes homeabout meservicespublicationsdirections to the officecontact info

There are several ways in which I can help you. Meet me in person, talk to me on the phone, send me an e-mail -- you can even communicate with me via a web camera.

Please contact me so that we can discuss your needs and how I can address them. I am here to help.

Full Name:
E-mail Address:
Your Message Here:
Since I will travel between Norway and Spain, the easiest way to reach me will be on e-mail. Generally I spend winters in Spain and summers in Norway and addresses are as follows:

Spain: La Herradura
Tel. 0034 690 811 415

Norway: Oslo
Tel. 0047 9220 5085

Both numbers have answering service where you can leave a message and I can call you back.
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